10 Free Lenten Activities for Kids

Sharing with you free Lenten activities for kids that you can do at home during this coming season of Lent with your little and not-so-little ones.

Lent officially starts on Ash Wednesday and it is a special time for families to come together and remember the sacrifice of Jesus for our sins. One way to do this is by practicing Lenten activities for kids that are free or inexpensive.

Though the COVID-19 pandemic seems to be over, a recession is looming over. So, families need to tighten their budgets to secure the predicted hard days.

Free Lenten Activities that You Can Do at Home with Your Kids

Free Lent activities for kids such as Bible readings, coloring pages, scavenger hunts, and Lenten prayers are great ways for kids to engage in the Lenten season without breaking the bank. By incorporating Lenten activities into family time, parents can help their children understand the significance of Lent and its importance in the Christian faith.

Here are some great ideas for free Lenten activities for kids:

1. Working with Lenten Printable Pages.

One of the most common Lenten activities forfinitely working with Lenten printable pages. If you have multiple kids, this activity can be expensive since you have to print a lot of pages for each kid.

But don’t worry, I scored the net to look for free Lenten coloring pages for kids that we can all download for free, without even signing up for the site’s newsletter. There are a lot of coloring pages to choose from, and also printable resources for Bible lessons.

free lenten coloring pages for toddlers

I also made 9 pages of simple Lenten coloring pages that are intended for younger kids (4 years and below). If your kids are in the same age range as mine, check it out:

Free Lenten Printable Coloring Pages for Toddlers

2. Reading the Bible.

You can read the Bible everyday during Lent with your kids. Choose chapters that are age-appropriate for your kids. You can print free Bible lesson guides that can be found in the link mentioned in #1.

3. Watching Christian Videos or Movies.

There are already a lot of free Christian and Catholic movies avaiYouTuben YouTube, just make sure that the videos are age-appropriate for your kids.

They can watch stories of the lives of Saints, Cross Lenten season stories, stories from the New and Old Testaments, and other related Christian videos.

4. Teaching Them a Certain Prayer.

This is a great time to teach your kid/s certain prayers like the Our Father, Hail Mary, Angel of God, Apostle’s Creed, the Holy Rosary, and other prayers, all depending on the age of your kids.

Kids praying the Holy Rosary - teacihng kids a certain prayer like the rosary is one of the things that you can do at home with your kids during Lent.

Our kids are 4 and 2 at the moment. We will try to teach #1 to learn the Angel of God prayer in Spanish, one of the short prayers that are in his prayer book that I bought recently.

5. Introducing them to a Certain Saint or A Famous Church Figure.

Lent is also a great way of introducing your kids to a certain Saint like St. Francis de Assisi, St. Theresa of Calcutta, or the Pope. Tell them stories about their lives and why we look up to them.

You can also connect this activity with #2 by watching a related video or movie after the explanation and making more explanations afterward.

6. Letting them Listen to a Christian Podcast.

This activity is more for older kids in my opinion. It will hopefully give them meditative benefits as they reflect on the life of Jesus, His sacrifices, and His great love for all of us.

7. Doing the Stations of the Cross at Home.

You can do this every Friday of the entire Lenten season, but if your schedule is busy, you can do it with your kids on Good Friday and Holy Saturday.

Station of the Cross - one of the other activities that you can do at home with your kids during Lent.

We will be doing it for the first time this year in our home. I’ll let you know how it goes. You can download and print a free guide to the Stations of the Cross from St. Anne’s Helper.

8. Give up something for Lent.

Kids can also give up something for Lent, just like adults. Just make sure to explain to them the concept and the reasons why we do it during Lent.

If they’re small enough to decide for themselves, you can always facilitate. My kids are still very young for this, but I am planning to limit their consumption of cookies because they have been eating too much lately, in my opinion, though the husband thinks otherwise.

9. Lent decluttering and organizing.

You can do decluttering and organizing during Lent and let the kids participate, especially in purging their toys.

10. Explain to them the Symbols and Meaning of a Certain Statue or Religious Photo.

Another fun activity that you can do with your kids is explaining to them the meaning of Christian symbols, photos, or statues. Start by explaining the statues or religious photos you have at home.

Make a home altar - one of the tips on how to start living liturgically at home with small kids.

Examples are explaining to them the Crucifix, the photos of Divine Mercy, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and the Statue of the Holy Family.

More Free Lenten Activities for Kids

You can also check the post How to Start Living Liturgically at Home with Kids because the 10 tips I mentioned there can also be done during Lent and they’re completely free, as well.

I also added a list of Lenten activities for families that are free or inexpensive for more choices.

Final Thoughts: Free Lenten Activities for Kids

I hope that you find this post “Free Lenten activities for kids” helpful Mamas. It doesn’t mean that we have to do all these things, though. Our kids should participate in the celebration of Lent, but without being burned out with all the activities, and without being bored, too.

I hope that we can all have a meaningful Lent celebration with our families. Do you have other free Lent activities for children that are not mentioned on the list? Please feel free to share in the comment section below.

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