9 Exciting Things To Do In Santiago de Compostela, Spain With Small Kids

Looking for exciting things to do in Santiago de Compostela, Spain with small kids? If so, this post is for you!

Santiago de Compostela is the capital of Galicia (one of the 17 regions of Spain) and the final destination of the famous Camino de Santiago (Way Of St. James), a leading Catholic pilgrimage route since the 9th century. The city’s old town was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1985.

It is 1,088 km from Barcelona with an estimated drive of 10 hours and 56 minutes according to google maps.

But thankfully, our drive to Santiago de Compostela was shorter because it’s close to Asturias, where we stayed for 3 days.

It was really a good decision to skip the Camino de Santiago by car. Despite not doing it, we were still able to do and see a lot of things on our visit to the capital of Galicia with our small kids.

Exciting Things To Do In Santiago de Compostela, Spain With Small Kids

The original plan is to do the Camino de Santiago (French route) by car starting from Roncesvalles and passing by and staying a few days in Asturias for my husband’s work.

We were really excited in the beginning and when we started plotting our stops, we realized that doing the Camino would also mean changing accommodation every 2 days, if not everyday.

Thankfully, we came to our senses and realized that changing accommodation every 2 days or everyday is not doable with small kids! Or if it is, it would mean STRESS for both kids and adults!

So, here are 9 exciting and fun things to do when visiting Galicia’s capital based on my family’s experience on our vacation last July 2021:

1. Visit The Abastos Market (Mercado de Abastos de Santiago de Compostela).

The Mercado de Abastos is the famous food market of Santiago de Compostela and the second most visited place in the city after the Cathedral. This market has been offering fresh, local produce to the people since 1873.

You can find varieties of fresh fish, shellfish, fruits, vegetables, meats, cheeses, local wines, liquors, honey, artisan bread, and many more.

photo of local wines displayed in one of the stall is Mercado de Abastos in Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Some of the local wines displayed in one of the stalls inside Abastos Market – my husband had difficulty deciding which ones to try.

I’ve read that we can actually buy raw foods from the market, then bring it to a restaurant nearby where they’ll cook the food for you at a charge. But we decided to just eat at one of the restaurants outside the market.

We had fun touring the market, though. My dearest husband had so much fun buying small bottles of local wines and liquors and trying the free samples. I was scared he’ll get drunk early in the morning!

2. Let The Kids Play, Walk, Bike, And Run At Alameda Park.

There are a lot of parks in Santiago de Compostela, but Alameda Park is known as the oldest and the most emblematic park in the city. And it’s huge, too, with an area of 85,000 square meters!

Alameda Park is on a higher elevation. It has a spectacular view of the Cathedral and parts of the city.

It is definitely the place to go after a long walk, especially for parents who are tired and want to get some rest. You can just let your kids play without worrying about their safety (from cars, etc) while you rest, but of course, without letting them out of your sight.

And it’s a cool place to get some shade and escape from the scourging heat of the summer sun.

Joan Pau had so much fun biking, while Josep was so engrossed with the fountains! He just wouldn’t move, but just keep on staring at the moving water.

Don’t miss taking photos with the famous Las Marias of Alameda Park, also known as Las Dos Marias (The Two Marys) located at the entrance of the park.

According to the story, Las Marias were 2 sisters who used to take their daily walk in the park at the same time everyday (2 pm) wearing colorful dresses.

photo of a mother and her son posing with the statue of las dos marias in alameda park - one of the exciting things to do in santiago de compostela, spain with small kids
Posing with the famous Las dos Marias of Alameda Park.

It is believed that the 2 sisters suffered from mental health issues due to their tragic past of the dictatorship during the Franco regime. Click here if you want to read the detailed story of Las Dos Marias.

I just realized that they keep on changing the colors of the sculpture because the colors I saw from the photos on the net were different from the colors I saw on our visit.


  • There is a bar close to the entrance of the park where you can take refreshments before proceeding with your tour.
  • If you to go to the city by car, you can drive and park close to the park. The parking fee is sooo cheap! My husband took a 2 hours and 15 minutes parking and he paid ……(drum roll please)…….20 cents! Oh my, how I wish Barcelona has the same parking fee!

3. Let Them Eat Sweets More Than The Usual Schedule.

Santiago de Compostela is famous for its Tarta de Santiago (Santiago’s cake), so let the kids eat it for breakfast or any other sweets like churros con chocolate, which we gave our toddlers for breakfast on our second day (only #1 liked it).

A boy eating churros con chocolate for breakfast in Santiago de Compostela.
#1 enjoying his churros con chocolate for breakfast.

Let them eat ice cream, too! We only allow #1 to eat ice cream on Sundays and on special occasions, but when we were in Alameda Park, it was scourging hot, so we ordered some ice cream.

My innocent little boy then asked: is it Sunday now? I answered no, but that we can have ice cream because we are on vacation.

Vacations are always the time when we break the healthy eating rules, even if we don’t like to, but we can’t help it! Is our family the only one struggling with this? Or this is your family’s struggle, too?

4. Walk The Last Few Kilometers Of The Camino de Santiago.

To compensate for our unrealized “Camino de Santiago by car” plan, we decided to walk the last few kilometers of the Camino de Santiago from our hotel.

Luckily, the main road close to Gran Hotel Los Abetos (located in San Lazaro) was part of the Camino.

direction sign of camino de santiago in santiago de compostela - a common sign you'll see as you make the mini-camino,  another fun thing to do in santiago de compostela, spain with kids

Our hotel was about 5 km from the Cathedral with an estimated 1hr – 1hr 10 minutes walk. But with small kids, we did it for 2 hours and 15 minutes with several stops and just walking slowly. We left our hotel at 10:30 am and arrived at Obradoiro Plaza at 12:45 noon.

Following the right direction of “Camino de Santiago” is easy to follow because there are plenty of “scallop signs” as an indication of the path. There are also a lot of pilgrims walking with scallops in their backpacks.

photo of a father with his two sons appreciating the beauty of the Cathedral of Santiago de Comopstela after doing a mini-camino
Arrival in Plaza de Obradoiro after the mini Camino de Santiago and appreciating the beautiful Santiago de Compostela Cathedral.

With God’s grace, we will be able to do the Camino de Santiago when the kids are bigger. It’s definitely on our bucket list!


  • Make sure to bring a huge bottle of water during the Camino and keep hydrating the kids and adults, too.
  • Apply sunscreen before leaving the hotel.
  • Leave as early as possible to avoid the scourging heat of the sun!
  • Make stops in the parks that you’ll pass by along the way and let the kids play for a while.
  • Bring toys that will entertain your kids. The 2-wheeled bicycle was truly a game changer for #1 because he had so much fun biking towards the Cathedral.

5. Visit And Pray At The Famous Santiago de Compostela Cathedral.

Visiting the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela with kids is a must! It’s the most visited place in the city, so it goes without saying that you haven’t been to the capital of Galicia if you haven’t been to the Cathedral.

photo of the very beautiful altar of Santiago de Compostela Cathedral.
The very beautiful altar of Santiago de Compostela Cathedral.

We are supposed to visit the Cathedral on our first day, but because we decided to walk the last few kilometers of the Camino, so we decided to just visit it right after the walk, just like what real pilgrims do.

The Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela is known to be the burial place of St. James The Great, one of the apostles of Jesus Christ, and it is the final destination of the famous Camino de Santiago.

photo of the tomb of St. James The Great, one of the apostles of Jesus Christ.
The tomb of St. James The Great, one of the apostles of Jesus Christ.

The Cathedral has no entrance fee and there are constant masses and confession schedules. Speaking of schedules, my Filipino heart was so happy when I saw that there’s a confession schedule in Filipino. Filipinos are indeed everywhere! We were not able to go to confession, though, because there was no schedule during our visit.

photo of schedule of Filipino confessions in Santiago de Compostela Cathedral.
Schedule of Filipino confessions in Santiago de Compostela Cathedral.

Our visit to Santiago de Compostela is very memorable for me because we saw a woman begging at the entrance of the Cathedral. The note on her placard said that she is a Galician woman with cancer. 🙁

We gave her some coins and she offered that we can leave the bicycle on the side of the entrance and she was going to take care of it. After the Cathedral visit, we came to get the bike.

We asked #1 to give her more coins and to say “Thank you for taking care of my bike”. The woman started to cry and up to this day, I still remember and pray for her. How I wish, we have given her more. I feel guilty and sad everytime I remember her. God bless her.

📌 TIP:

There is a 12 noon Mass on Sundays in the Cathedral, but if you want to attend, you have to come at least 1 hour before the time to make sure that you’ll make it on time. We came at around 11:50 am and the line was sooo long, it reached the other end of the Cathedral’s plaza!

6. Try The Local Food And Order A Mariscada.

Santiago de Compostela is famous for its fresh fish and seafood. So it’s time to treat your family to a seafood feast!

Make sure to try its famous pulpo a la gallega, also known as pulpo a feira, a dish made of octopus, very common in restaurants and bars.

Try percebes, too. It’s the first time that I have tasted and heard of it. It’s delicious!

My husband had been telling me on our first day that we should try it and explained to me that it’s difficult to collect because it’s located in rocks where the waves hit. So, the catchers of percebes have to be very quick in collecting them and make sure that they’re out before the wave hits. How risky!

Don’t forget to try zamburiñas (scallops), too. So much seafood to try in Santiago de Compostela!

And of course, make sure to order a mariscada (seafood platter), preferably for lunch because it’s on the heavy side. Pilgrims usually treat themselves to a feast after finally arriving at the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela after the long journey. So, we decided to have mariscada for lunch after doing our “mini Camino de Santiago” to get the “pilgrims” vibe!

photo of la Mariscada in Santiago de Compostela.
Mouth-watering mariscada.

There are a lot of restaurants close to the Cathedral, just keep on exploring until you find one with a vacant table (they get full easily). We luckily found one with an available table outside (others were just standing on the side while having their drinks).

The waiter came with a huge platter of seafood that even the woman at the neighboring table was impressed that she asked permission from us to take a photo of the mariscada. 🙂 Even if it was a huge portion, my husband and I ate them all and it doesn’t feel as heavy as eating a platter of meat.

7. Explore And Enjoy The Amenities Of Your Accommodation.

Exploring and enjoying our accommodation is always a part of our to-do list on every vacation. We always try to spend at least half a day (better if it can be one day) just staying and resting in the hotel while exploring and enjoying its amenities.

My husband is not into the idea of us traveling while the kids are small, let alone long international flights (we had a bad experience on our first international travel with a kid), but I always insist that we have to at least explore Spain even when kids are still small.

So, this to-do list was originally for my husband, so he can relax after a long drive and before driving back again. But it has already become a must in every vacation and I actually love it because it makes the trip less stressful for both kids and adults. Gone are the days of fast-paced travel!

photo of a father with his two toddlers enjoying and relaxing at Gran Hotel Los Abetos in Santiago de Compostela.

The husband was so impressed that I booked at Gran Hotel Los Abetos. It’s a family-friendly hotel that is situated on a hill with a beautiful, well-kept garden with a pond full of small frogs. It was pure joy watching #1 having so much fun chasing frogs.

My husband had a good time ordering different local drinks every night in the hotel’s bar before going to sleep.

The hotel has a pool, too, and we were very excited to enjoy the water. But when we went, the woman in charge told us that the pool was already full for the entire time slot and that we need to make a reservation to be able to use it. 🙁

📌 TIP: Make sure to make an inquiry in the reception about the different amenities that you want to avail of. Most need reservations due to COVID-19.

8. Visit And Attend Mass At San Francisco Church (Iglesia de San Francisco)

We were looking for another Mass since we were not able to enter the Cathedral for the 12-noon mass due to its long queue. Google Maps pointed us to San Francisco Church and because we were with a stroller, so we took the longer route.

Attending Mass on Sundays even when traveling with toddlers is a must for us, and it’s also a good way of visiting and discovering new churches during vacations.

photo of San Francisco Church in Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Then after the Mass, we realized that the church was just at the end of the left side street of the Cathedral (Rua do Campiño de San Francisco). We were actually happy to be brought to this church unplanned because we were able to have the sacrament of confession, too.

According to history, the whole Convent of San Francisco was founded by St. Francis of Assisi after completing the Camino de Santiago in 1214, while the present-day church was built between 1742 and 1749.

9. Take The Tourism Train.

This is the last activity that we did before leaving Santiago de Compostela.

After attending the Mass in San Francisco Church, we had lunch in one of the small restaurants along Rua do Campiño de San Francisco, then I suggested that we take the tourism train.

photo of the tourism train of Santiago de Compostela, Spain with people lining up to go on board - one of the exciting things to do in Santiago de Compostela, Spain with small kids

My husband was hesitant at first, but I insisted. Thank God it was a cloud day, so it was not very hot outside.

We loved the train ride! #1 was so focused on the ride and made sure that his headphone was on his ears all the time! #2 fall asleep in the first 5 minutes of the ride.:)

📌 TIP: Approach the driver of the train and inform her/him that you have a stroller, so she/he can direct you on what to do. We thought that we can’t take the train since we have a stroller, but we approach the driver and asked if it was possible for us to take the train. She said yes and asked the male crew to help us find a space for our stroller.

FAQs: Things To Do In Santiago de Compostela With Kids

Is Santiago de Compostela, Spain worth visiting with kids?

Yes, Santiago de Compostela, Spain is worth visiting with kids. The city has a lot of attractions that kids and adults alike will enjoy. There is the historic center, with its cobblestone streets, plazas, and churches, and interesting museums, such as the Museum of Santiago de Compostela Cathedral and the Museum of Contemporary Art. There are also plenty of playgrounds and parks, as well as plenty of activities to keep kids entertained, such as horseback riding, canoeing, and biking.

Why Santiago de Compostela, Spain is famous?

photo of the famous camino de santiago sign

Santiago de Compostela, Spain is famous for its religious history and its spectacular architecture. The city is the end point of the famous Christian pilgrimage, the Camino de Santiago, and the stunning Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The old city walls, university, and other historical monuments make Santiago de Compostela a popular destination for visitors interested in history and culture.

How many days do you need in Santiago de Compostela, Spain with kids?

It depends on what you want to experience in Santiago de Compostela. If you want to explore the city’s historical sites, museums, and churches the unhurried way, then you may need 3 to 4 days. If you are looking looking for a quick trip by only visiting a few landmarks, then you may only need a day or two. Ultimately, it depends on your own preferences, so plan accordingly and enjoy your time in Santiago de Compostela!

What is the best month to visit Santiago de Compostela?

The best time to visit Santiago de Compostela is during the months of April to October. This is when the city is at its most vibrant and lively, with sunny weather and plenty of events and festivals to enjoy. The temperatures are mild and the streets are filled with tourists, making it a great time to explore the city.

Final Thoughts: Things To Do In Santiago de Compostela With Kids

Santiago de Compostela is definitely a beautiful destination for a family vacation in Spain. Even if you can’t make the famous Camino de Santiago, there are still a lot of things that you can do with your kids.

We had 2 days and a half to explore the city with our toddlers. It is just the right span of time to roam around and enjoy the city at a slow pace. Fast-paced travel with small kids is a no-no for us (and for all parents, I guess).

We realized on this vacation that our family is not for long vacations. The combined Asturias and Santiago de Compostela vacation is a total of 8 days, but on our 2nd day in Santiago de Compostela, #1 was already saying “anem a casa” (let’s go home).

The same thing happened when we went camping in Vall d’ Aran when we still had 1 kid and on the 3rd day, my husband and I were already looking forward to going home.

Are you planning to visit Santiago de Compostela with toddlers soon? When? What is your priority of things to do and see?

Or have you been there? What’s your favorite thing to see and do?


  1. I love Santiago de Compostela specially LA Sagrada Família monument. It’s indeed a great place to visit. For who doest know there are actually 3 routes to do by foot the Portuguese, English, and French. By foot, I actually haven’t done it yet but I am sure planning on doing it. I love that your article is focused on kids wisely. Because not all people know what to do when they travel to a different place.  Keep up the great work.

    1. Hello Garte3D,

      I didn’t know that there is a Sagrada Familia monument in Santiago de Compostela! Have you done the Camino by bicycle or by car? I want to do the Camino de Santiago, too, either by foot or bicycle, when kids are bigger.

  2. Your trip sounds so much fun especially the Alameda Park, it was sunny and looked perfect. The way you described all the places, makes me want to go and the images look so beautiful. Love the local seafood too as it is pretty interesting and looks delicious!!
    Your hotel Gran Hotel Los Abetos looks gorgeous on its own, I would love to go to this hotel when I visit!

    1. Hello Shrey,

      thank you for dropping by. Yes, when visiting Santiago de Compostela, make sure not to miss Alameda park and feast on seafood! And of course, stay in the gorgeous Gran Hotel Los Abetos.

  3. Wel, thanks for a brilliant article here. I have to say, this looks like an amzing place to visit. Unfortunately its a little bit far for me at this moment in time as i live on the other side of the ocean in Scotland. But hopefully some day soon i will make it over that way and i’d certainly put this on my list of places to visit.

    1. Hello Kwidzin,

      I am glad that this article helps in considering Santiago de Compostela as one of your places to visit in the future. God bless.

  4. My wife and I love to go on vacations. And after this quarantine, we were planning to go to Spain. I love to see pictures of Spain. And Santiago de Compostela is among my favorite cities. We are planning to take our children and a neighbor told us that the Alameda park was nice for children to run and have fun. And now I see you also talk about that in this post. Thank you. We’ll definitely go to Alameda park and to these other sites you suggested. 

    1. Hello Paolo,

      I am happy that your family is planning to visit Spain after the quarantine. I really hope it ends, so soon. Yes, definitely don’t miss Alameda park because it’s good for children to run and play around without being worried about their safety. 

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