FREE Printable Litany of Trust PDF

Litany of Trust for all of us who have difficulty trusting God completely.

Hello Mamas, hope all is well with you all. Today I just want to share with you a beautiful litany that I just discovered recently.

I already came up in my research before, but I only read it for the first time yesterday. It’s the Litany of Trust and I also included a free PDF that you can download, so, you can read it everyday.

The Litany of Trust Prayer

Here’s the complete Litany of Trust text:

The Litany of Trust

From the belief that I have to earn Your love… Deliver me, Jesus.

From the fear that I am unlovable… Deliver me, Jesus.

From the false security that I have what it takes… Deliver me, Jesus.

From the fear that trusting you will leave me more destitute… Deliver me, Jesus.

From all suspicion of your words and promises… Deliver me, Jesus.

From the rebellion against childlike dependency on You… Deliver me, Jesus.

From refusals and reluctances in accepting Your will… Deliver me, Jesus.

From anxiety about the future… Deliver me, Jesus.

From resentment or excessive preoccupation with the past… Deliver me, Jesus.

From restless self-seeking in the present moment… Deliver me, Jesus.

From disbelief in Your love and presence… Deliver me, Jesus.

From the fear of being asked to give more than I have… Deliver me, Jesus.

From the belief that my life has no meaning or worth… Deliver me, Jesus.

From the fear of what love demands… Deliver me, Jesus.

From discouragement… Deliver me, Jesus.

That You are continually holding me, sustaining me, loving me… Jesus, I trust in You.

That Your love goes deeper than my sins and failings and transforms me… Jesus, I trust in You.

That not knowing what tomorrow brings is an invitation to lean on You… Jesus, I trust in You.

That You are with me in my suffering… Jesus, I trust in You.

That my suffering, united to Your own, will bear fruit in this life and the next… Jesus, I trust in You.

That You will not leave me orphan, that You are present in Your Church… Jesus, I trust in You.

That Your plan is better than anything else… Jesus, I trust in You.

That You always hear me and in Your goodness always respond to me… Jesus, I trust in You.

That You give me the grace to accept forgiveness and to forgive others… Jesus, I trust in You.

That You give me all the strength I need for what is asked… Jesus, I trust in You.

That my life is a gift… Jesus, I trust in You.

That You will teach me to trust You… Jesus, I trust in You.

That You are my Lord and my God… Jesus, I trust in You.

That I am Your beloved one… Jesus, I trust in You.

Who Wrote the Litany of Trust?

The Litany of Trust was written by Sr. Faustina Maria Pia, SV, a member of Sisters of Life – a religious order based in New York.

Below is a video of Sr. Faustina explaining the story behind the Litany of Trust and how God has revealed the beautiful prayer to her.

Who and Why Should We Pray the Litany of Trust?

The Litany of Trust was revealed to Sr. Faustina Maria Pia in her moments of doubt when she finds it difficult to say YES to God.

She wants to share the prayer with those who are experiencing the same in the hope that just like her, people will find the courage to trust in God completely.

As I was reading the Litany of Trust for the very first time a while ago (before writing this), the first line of the prayer that says “From the belief that I have to earn Your love… Deliver me, Jesus.” has already given me a nudge.

It struck me because there are a lot of times that I think God will no longer love me the way He loves others because I keep committing sins, even if I know that His love is always constant for all of us.

God is definitely talking to me through the different lines of the litany.

I definitely need the Prayer of Trust in my life because I have been in a lot of situations where I didn’t say “yes” to God right away because I was scared that it will not turn out good/great (some of the experiences I will share on coming posts).


The Unity Prayer FREE PDF (Flame of Love)

Short Catholic Prayers For Patience (Easy, Yet Powerful)

Prayer For Self-Discipline (To Help You Stay Focus And On Track)

Prayers to End Abortion (with FREE Printable PDF)

How to Pray the Litany of Trust?

Here are some videos of Sr. Faustina Maria Pia praying the Litany of Trust to give us ideas on how to pray it.

You can pray it alone:

Or you can pray it with your family:

You can also listen to the Litany of Trust song while walking, exercising, or doing household chores:

I believe that just like the Litany of Humility, we can incorporate the Litany of Trust into our prayer time, depending on our schedule.

Preferably in the morning, we can start our day by asking God to teach us to completely trust in Him.

Blessed is She has written a detailed article on how to pray the Litany of Trust, read the post to have more ideas on how to pray it.

The FREE litany of trust PRayer printable

The Litany of Trust PDF comes in 2 sizes: US Letter Document and A4. Choose and click the button that will direct you to the particular size depending on your printing paper size.

There are 2 versions of the free Printable Litany of Trust PDF to choose from. The 1st page is with pink flowers on the sides for a bit of color.

photo of the free printable copy of the Litany of Trust with pink flowers on the corners of the page
1st page of the Litany of Trust free PDF

While the 2nd page is just white and black with flowers on the side that you can color. Just print the one you like best.

a photo of the Litany of Trust with black and white flowers on the corners for coloring
2nd page of the Litany of Trust free PDF

Share the Litany of Trust with Your Family and Friends

Feel free to share the prayer with your family and friends, especially with those who are undergoing difficulties by giving them free copies of the prayer or by emailing them a copy of the PDF.

Or you can just send them the post link, so, they can download it themselves.

Let’s Pray Together the Litany of Trust

I hope that this Litany of Trust can be helpful to all of us and that we may learn to say yes and trust God completely.


  1. Beautiful Prayer. I made 10 copies to send to people who are suffering, physically, mentally, emotionally who may find comfort in this prayer.
    Thank you for the PDF.

    1. Thank you so much for your message. I am so happy to know that someone finds the pdf useful. God bless you more and may the people you will be sending the copies to find comfort, hope and love through the Litany of Trust prayer.

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