23 of The Best Catholic Books for Moms
Hello Mamas, are you looking for Catholic books that are specifically for moms? If so, this post is for you because I’ll be sharing some of the best Catholic books for moms.
As Catholic mothers, we are constantly navigating through the highs and lows of motherhood. And, as we do, it can be difficult to find books that speak to us as Catholics.
That’s why I wanted to share with you some of my personal favorites – books that have helped me through some of the roughest times in my Catholic motherhood journey, and books that I am eyeing to read next.
Some of the Best Catholic Books for Moms
As Catholic mothers, we are blessed to have a wealth of knowledge and support from the Catholic tradition. From saints to scripture, to spiritual direction, we can learn about our faith and how to live it out in our everyday lives.
But, sometimes, it’s nice to have a tangible reminder—a book to keep close by and turn to for guidance and inspiration.

To help make this task easier, I have rounded up some of the best books for Catholic moms to help you on your faith journey. Whether you’re looking for a way to deepen your understanding of the faith, or just need an extra bit of encouragement, these books are sure to provide the support and wisdom you need.
Whether it’s in a book club, a Bible study group, or just a gathering of friends, these books can be a platform for discussion and spiritual growth. Not only can these books help us gain a deeper understanding of our faith, but they can also provide us with a space to share our struggles and celebrate our successes.
Here are the books you should add to your reading list:
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Catholic Books for Moms for Spiritual Growth
1. Imitation of Christ
This book by Thomas á Kempis is a must-read for any Catholic mother. The Spanish version of this book is one of the favorite books of my husband.
It’s packed full of wisdom and encouragement, and it has helped me tremendously in my journey as a Catholic mom.
2. Imitation of Mary
I found out about this book as a recommendation of Heather from A Catholic Mom’s Life, my favorite Catholic mom vlogger.

I love Imitation of Mary so much and it’s the book that I read first before I bought the Imitation of Christ.
My firstborn loves this book, too. He keeps on asking me for it because he loves looking at the pictures of the Mysteries of the Rosary and the Station of the Cross.
3. 33 Days of Morning Glory
This book from Fr. Michael E. Gaitley is another recommendation from Heather.
After hearing about the consecration to Jesus thru Mary, I asked my mom about it because I know that she had done it and she’s part of the group in our village that is dedicated to the consecration.

She said that there was an extra copy of the blue book that they were using (the one by Louis de Monfort) and said that she was going to send it to me, but she told me the following day that some pages were missing.
So I decided to buy the 33 Days of Morning Glory since Heather said that it’s an easier read than the one by de Monfort, perfect for beginners like me.
This book accompanied me during my recent 2-week hospitalization due to E.coli which affected my right kidney.
4. Secrets of the Sacred Heart: Twelve Ways to Claim Jesus’ Promises in Your Life
This book by Emily Jaminet is one of the instruments used by God for our family to start our devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
We enthroned our home to the Sacred Heart last December 26, 2021, and we started our 9 first Fridays devotion in December, too, and we just finished our 9th first Friday this August 2022.

This book becomes even more memorable because I went to the website to buy the PDF guide for the home enthronement, but the system was not working well. It won’t let me pay, so I sent an e-mail, and Emily was the one who personally replied to me, I was shocked and delighted at the same time!
I have an unfinished book review for this book that hopefully I can finish very soon.
5. Understanding Divine Mercy
This is a book by Fr. Chris Alar, one of the Catholic priests that I am constantly listening to online.

It has helped me understand Divine Mercy more and I also learned new things about our Catholic faith. I was inspired by this book to start praying the chaplet of Divine Mercy, though not consistently, yet.
6. Divine Mercy in My Soul
Divine Mercy in My Soul is the diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, a Polish nun who lived in the early 20th century.

This book chronicles her spiritual journey as she follows God’s call to spread the message of Divine Mercy to the world. In this book, Saint Faustina records the conversations she had with God and His revelation of Divine Mercy to her. In particular, God commanded her to spread the devotion to the Divine Mercy and to make known His great mercy to the world.
I started reading this book months ago, but unfortunately, one of the kids took it out and played with the bookmark. I can no longer remember where I stopped, so, I decided to read it once again this Lenten season.
A very good book to read after Fr. Chris Alar’s Understanding Divine Mercy.
7. Inspire Catholic Bible
It’s said to be the first Catholic creative Bible of its kind with over 450 beautiful line-art illustrations spread throughout, the newest addition to the Tyndale Inspire line.
I find it perfect for moms as a way of de-stressing while reading the Word of God because of its coloring feature.
I have been planning to buy a new Bible because the one I have is of smaller prints. Now that I’m 40, I want a Bible with larger prints and this one seems like a perfect fit.
This bible has also been approved by the Catholic Church for personal reading and features the official Imprimatur.
Catholic Prayer Books for Mothers
8. Small Steps for Catholic Moms
This book by Danielle Bean and Elizabeth Foss is the book I want to read next because it’s written with busy Catholic moms in mind.

It is packed with brief daily prompts and suggestions perfect for busy moms, so they can still have spiritual nourishment despite their busy schedules.
I love this devotional because it has a think, pray, and act section for each day of the year. I love to read it first thing in the morning, so I can apply the act section (if possible) during my day. Though there were days that I missed the readings, especially when I woke up late.
9. The Handbook for Catholic Moms
Written by Lisa M. Hendey (founder of CatholicMom.com, one of the very first websites I found when I started searching for Catholic mom blogs) to help new parents in balancing the personal needs of the heart, body, mind, and soul with the demands of family life and faith commitment.
This book emphasizes the importance of taking care of yourself as a whole (mind, body, heart, soul), so, you can be more effective in loving and caring for your family, community, and Church.
10. The Ave Prayer Book For Catholic Mothers
The Ave Prayer Book For Catholic Mothers is a collection of prayers, reflections, and devotions compiled by Ave Maria Press. This book provides a resource for Catholic mothers to use for spiritual growth and guidance in their motherhood journey.

Written by popular Catholic authors, the book includes inspiring meditations, stories, and reflections to help Catholic mothers connect with the Lord and deepen their relationship with Him.
I am also currently reading this book (one page everyday) and I love it because each section or page features a specific prayer and a related story from a Catholic mom on how the prayer helped her.
Catholic Books on Motherhood
11. A Book of Saints for Catholic Moms
Another book by Lisa M. Hendey introduces Catholic moms to 52 different saints as guides in our motherhood calling.
The idea of this book is to learn and know more about a particular saint every week of the year and practical steps on how to incorporate the traits and examples of the saints into our own daily lives.
12. Divine Mercy for Moms
This book was written by Michele Faehnle and Emily Jaminet as a way of sharing the history, practices, and prayers associated with the devotion of Divine Mercy, as a guide for busy Catholic moms, to be able to pass to others the message of God’s Divine Mercy through words, deeds, and prayers.
13. A Mother’s Rule of Life
A book by Holly Pierlot intended to help mothers how to bring peace to the home by combining the spiritual wisdom of the monastery with the practical knowledge of motherhood to create a rule that will help in managing the house, loving the husband more, raising Catholic kids, while growing closer to God, too.
14. A Catholic Mother’s Companion to Pregnancy: Walking with Mary from Conception to Baptism
This is a book by Sarah A. Reinhard that I wished I discovered while I was still pregnant with my firstborn.
It was written with expectant mothers in mind, to help them embrace their pregnancy and grow in faith while bonding with their unborn child with the guide of the weekly reflections and prayers that are rooted in the mysteries of the Rosary.
15. The Catholic Baby Name Book
This book by Patrice Fagnant – McArthur is a guide for expectant parents to find a beautiful and creative name for their child from more than 10,000 choices.
Each name suggestion comes with its meaning, the language of origin, different variations, relevant feast days, and patron saint information.
All the names are fun, creative, and most of all, Catholic.
16. Made for This: The Catholic Mom’s Guide to Birth
This book written by Mary Haseltine is the first childbirth book from a Catholic and holistic standpoint.
It aims to help women how to understand, prepare, and experience a unique delivery through the lens of faith.
This is definitely another book I wish to have discovered while still pregnant with #1.
Catholic Books on Family & Parenting
17. How to Raise Good Catholic Children
Mary Reed Newland draws the wisdom in raising Catholic kids from a Catholic home instead of relying on psychologists.
18. Our Not-Quite-Holy Family
Our Not-Quite-Holy Family by the couple Mark and Melanie Hart is an inspiring and humorous book that offers insight into the complexities of family life. Through their experiences as parents, the couple offers readers a unique perspective into the struggles and joys of family life.
This book is an honest and heartfelt look at how faith can be applied to everyday life, and how each of us can use our faith to build stronger and healthier families. They also provide readers with practical advice on how to be a better Christian in the home and how to bring God into our parenting.
19. Don’t Forget to Say Thank You: And Other Parenting Lessons That Brought Me Closer to God
Lindsay Schlegel shares 15 of the common phrases that we parents use and repeat with our children and apply to our relationship with God.
The author wants us to reflect that the words we are telling our kids should also be considered wisdom from God and to help us realize that the lessons we are trying to impart to our kids are the lessons we also need to learn as children of God.
Catholic Books on Homemaking & Simple Living
20. Not of This World: A Catholic Guide to Minimalism
Written by Sterling Jaquith to help Catholics declutter and avoid materialism.

As someone who loves to read books and blogs about decluttering and minimalism, this is definitely a book that I’ll read soonest.
I read the one from Marie Kondo, but I want a book with a Catholic perspective, and this must be the answer!
Update: I finally bought a copy of this book and am in the process of reading it. I’ll be finishing soon and will share with you my review about it.
21. Making Room for God
Is another book about decluttering from a Catholic perspective by popular Catholic speaker and bible expert, Mary Elizabeth Sperry (I’ll definitely be googling her after writing this post).

This book is meant to help us declutter in a prayerful, peace-filled, and soul-expanding way. This would definitely be one I want to read, soonest.
Update: I also bought this book and will be reading it after I am done with Not of This World.
22. Theology of Home
Written by two wives and mothers, Gress Carrie and Noelle Mering, to reorient us toward our true home, to teach us how to make our own homes a better place on earth to get all those who live in it into the Father’s house.
This book is meant to help us understand that there is nothing wrong with being a “homemaker” and for us to discover how beauty and order can bring the eternal to our everyday, and help create a path to heaven for those who we love the most.
This book is part of a series written by the same authors: Theology of Home II and Theology of Home III.
23. The Grace of Yes: Eight Virtues for Generous Living
The Grace of Yes is another book by Lisa M. Hendey that aims to explain that generous living is not all about the money we are giving to the Church and to others.
But it’s about consistently answering God’s call to love and serve others by practicing the virtues that lead to generous living.
Final Thoughts on The Best Books for Catholic Moms
As Catholic moms, we are called to be the hands and feet of God in our homes, families, and in our communities. We are given the opportunity to share God’s love and mercy with our children and those around us.
With so many great books out there to guide us on our journey, we can use them to help us develop our faith and grow our relationship with God. Whether you are looking for inspiration, comfort, guidance, or just an entertaining read, these books are a great place to start.
So let us take a few moments to pick up one of these books and be reminded of the wonderful gifts God has given us. Let us be inspired by their stories and use them to draw closer to God and become better Catholic mothers and Catholic women.
If you have favorite books that are not on the list, please feel free to share them in the comments below.
God bless you always in your mothering and homemaking, Mamas!
Hello, and God bless you! Thank you so much for helping to spread the Catholic Faith. I wish to make known to you the release of my new book, “Janie’s Prayer and Our Lady’s Message” which is now available on amazon.
Hello Joy, thank you so much for letting me know about your new book. I’ll check it out and thank you for stopping by.