Celebrate Catholic Feast Days in February (with Free Calendar)

Hello Mamas, let’s find out together the Catholic feast days in February, so, we can plan our family’s liturgical year accordingly.

Check the first post I have in this series if you haven’t yet: Catholic Feast Days in January.

Understanding Catholic Feast Days

Before we look into the specific feast days celebrated in February, let’s understand first the concept of Catholic feast days and the liturgical calendar.

The Catholic Church uses the liturgical calendar to mark the seasons and events of the Church’s history. It begins with Advent, which is the four weeks leading up to Christmas, and ends with the feast of Christ the King, which is the last Sunday of the liturgical year.

Feast days are an important component of the liturgical year and are dedicated to commemorating the mysteries of Christ, and the lives of saints, martyrs, and other important figures in the Christian faith.

The General Roman Calendar is the official calendar of the Catholic Church, and it designates the dates for each feast day.

Learning More About Catholic Feast Days in February

The Month of February:  Dedicated to the Holy Family

 February is dedicated to the Holy Family – Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. This month serves as a time to reflect on the love, unity, and faith of the Holy Family and how we can incorporate those values into our own families. It is a time to seek the intercession of the Holy Family for our own families, asking for their guidance and protection.

photo of the Holy Family

Throughout February, many churches and religious groups hold special events, prayers, and devotions honoring the Holy Family. It is also a time for Catholic kids and families to come together in prayer and fellowship, strengthening their bonds and seeking God’s guidance in their lives.

The month of February provides a wonderful opportunity for all individuals to reflect on the importance of family and to strive for the same love, unity, and faith demonstrated by the Holy Family. 

Liturgical Year: Catholic Feast Days in February

You can download the free calendar for February at the lower part of this post. Also, check out Catholic New Year’s Resolutions if you need more ideas in making your Catholic resolutions for the New Year.

You can also receive a plenary indulgence by praying at a Franciscan nativity scene until February 2.

photo of the Holy Family with texts on the left saying: Catholic Feast Days in February
February DatesFeast DaysSignificance
February 1Saint BrigidShe is one of the patron saints of Ireland and is known for her charitable work and devotion to God.
February 2Presentation of the LordThis feast day commemorates the presentation of Jesus at the Temple and the purification of Mary, forty days after the birth of Jesus.
February 3Saint BlaiseHe is considered the patron saint of throat diseases and is known for his miraculous healing of a boy with a fishbone stuck in his throat.
February 5Saint AgathaShe is the patron saint of Sicily and is revered for her strength and courage in the face of persecution.
February 6Saint Paul Miki and CompanionsThey were Japanese martyrs who were crucified for their faith in 1597. Their feast day is a reminder of the courage and devotion of the early Christian missionaries.
February 8Saint Josephine BakhitaA former slave who became a religious sister and dedicated her life to serving others.
February 10Saint ScholasticaShe was the sister of Saint Benedict and is the patron saint of nuns. Her feast day celebrates her life and devotion to God.
February 11Our Lady of LourdesThis feast day commemorates the apparitions of the Virgin Mary to St. Bernadette in Lourdes, France in 1858.
February 14Saints Cyril and MethodiusBrothers who brought Christianity to the Slavic people and are recognized as co-patrons of Europe.
February 14Saint ValentineWidely recognized as the patron saint of love and is known for his commitment to love and sacrifice
February 22Chair of Saint PeterThis feast day celebrates the authority of St. Peter as the first pope of the Catholic Church. It is a time for Catholics to reflect on the history and traditions of the Church.
February 23Saint PolycarpA 2nd-century Christian bishop and martyr known for his steadfast faith and resilience in the face of persecution.
February 25Saint Walburga/WalpurgaShe was a missionary and abbess who helped in the work of converting the people of Germany to Christianity. Her feast day is a time to honor her dedication and service.
Catholic Feast Days in February

Feast of The Presentation of the Lord – February 2

 Presentation of the Lord, also known as Candlemas, is a Christian holiday that commemorates the presentation of Jesus at the Temple and the purification of the Virgin Mary, according to the biblical accounts in the Gospel of Luke.

It is celebrated on February 2nd, 40 days after Christmas. In many churches, this day is marked by the blessing and procession of candles, symbolizing the light of Christ entering the world.

The story of the elderly Simeon and Anna, who recognized Jesus as the long-awaited Messiah, is often read during the liturgy. The tradition of blessing candles on this day comes from the belief that they will bring protection and ward off evil.

It is a significant day in the liturgical calendar, marking the end of the Christmas season and looking ahead to the coming of Easter.

I just learned something new while researching for this post because we always celebrate “Candelaria” in the Philippines every February 2. It is a day when we go to Church with our candles and the priest will bless them.

I just learned today that it’s to celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. Argggg, another proof that I was not very attentive in my religion classes!

Feast Of Our Lady of Lourdes – February 11

The Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes is observed on February 11th, commemorating the apparitions of the Virgin Mary to a young girl named Bernadette Soubirous in Lourdes, France in 1858. This religious feast day is a significant event for Catholics and is often celebrated with processions, special Masses, and prayers to Our Lady of Lourdes for healing and intercession.

Photo of Our Lady of Lourdes - one of the most important Catholic feast days in February
One of the photos I took during my pilgrimage to Lourdes, France in 2014 when I was still single.

Many people make pilgrimages to the Lourdes grotto to seek spiritual and physical healing. The feast also serves as a reminder of the power of faith, hope, and devotion to the Virgin Mary, as well as a time to reflect on the miraculous events that took place in Lourdes. 

Lourdes, France is our favorite pilgrimage destination which we try to visit once a year. We haven’t tried visiting during the feast day, though. It must be a memorable experience to witness the different activities during the feast day of Our Lady of Lourdes.

Feast of The Chair of Saint Peter – February 22

The Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter is a celebration in the Catholic Church that commemorates Saint Peter’s role as the first Bishop of Rome and the spiritual leader of the early Christian community.

This feast day is an opportunity to reflect on the authority and teachings of Saint Peter, as well as to pray for the current pope, who is seen as the successor of Saint Peter.

photo of St. Peter's Basilica - one of the most famous Catholic pilgrimage sites in Rome

The “chair” of Saint Peter symbolizes his role as the leader of the church, and the feast day emphasizes the unity and continuity of the church under the leadership of the pope.

Many Catholics see this day as a reminder of the importance of the papacy and the role of the pope as the spiritual shepherd of the church.

The Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter is a time for believers to come together in prayer and reflection, and to reaffirm their commitment to the teachings and guidance of the pope. 

Some Saint Feast Days in February

These feast days provide an opportunity for Catholics to honor and reflect upon the lives of these holy individuals and their contributions to the faith. While each feast day is unique, they all share a common thread of devotion and commitment to God.

Saint Brigid

St. Brigid’s feast day is celebrated on February 1 and is an important feast day in the Catholic Church. St. Brigid is one of the patron saints of Ireland and her feast day is celebrated with various customs and rituals, including the creation of a St. Brigid’s Cross and the dedication of a home altar.

On this day, many families in Ireland will create a St. Brigid’s Cross out of straw or rushes and place it in their homes to protect against evil and keep their homes safe throughout the year. The St. Brigid’s Cross is a symbol of the Christian faith combined with traditional Irish beliefs and customs.

The tradition of creating a home altar on St. Brigid’s Day involves placing a statue or image of St. Brigid on a small table or shelf in the home. The altar is adorned with flowers, candles, and other items that hold significance for the family. This tradition is a way to honor St. Brigid and seek her intercession for protection, healing, and other blessings. You can also celebrate this feast with a virtual pilgrimage to her shrine in Kildare, Ireland, or go there personally with your family.

St. Brigid was known for her generosity, compassion, and devotion to God. Her life and legacy have inspired countless people throughout the centuries and continue to be celebrated today on her feast day.

Saint Blaise: Patron Saint of Throat Diseases

St. Blaise’s feast day is one of the notable Catholic feast days in February celebrated on February 3. St. Blaise is considered the patron saint of throat diseases and is revered by many for his miraculous healing of a young boy with a fishbone stuck in his throat.

On this feast day, Catholics gather to receive the special blessing of the throat, which involves the priest placing two candles in the form of a cross against the neck of the individual while reciting a prayer of blessing.

“Through the intercession of St. Blaise, bishop and martyr, may God deliver you from every disease of the throat and from every other illness.”

This tradition originated from the story of St. Blaise and the young boy and has continued to be a cherished part of the feast day celebration.

St. Blaise was a bishop and martyr who lived in the 4th century. He dedicated his life to serving others and was known for his kindness and compassion. His feast day is an opportunity for Catholics to honor his legacy and reflect on how they too can serve their communities.

Saint Josephine Bakhita

February 8 marks the feast day of St. Josephine Bakhita, a former slave who overcame unimaginable hardship to become a religious sister and devoted her life to serving others.

St. Josephine’s journey of faith began when she was taken from her home in Sudan and sold into slavery as a child. She was subjected to brutal treatment and sold several times, each time suffering more abuse and violence.

Finally, she was bought by an Italian family who treated her with kindness, and through their influence, St. Josephine was introduced to the Catholic faith. She was baptized and eventually became a nun, dedicating her life to helping others and spreading the word of God.

St. Josephine’s story is one of resilience and faith in the face of unimaginable adversity. Her feast day is a reminder of the horrors of slavery and the importance of standing against injustice, as well as a celebration of the incredible power of faith to transform lives.

Saint Scholastica

Saint Scholastica, also known as Santa Scholastica, was a sixth-century Benedictine nun and twin sister of Saint Benedict of Nursia. She is regarded as the founder of the women’s branch of the Benedictine Order.

Scholastica played a significant role in the early development of the monastic tradition in Europe. According to legend, Scholastica and her brother would meet once a year at a house near Monte Cassino to discuss spiritual matters. On one occasion, as they were deep in conversation, Scholastica sensed that her death was approaching.

She begged her brother to stay with her, but he refused, citing the monastic rule that forbade him from spending a night away from the monastery. Scholastica prayed for intercession and suddenly a storm arose, preventing Benedict from leaving. Three days later, Benedict saw Scholastica’s soul ascending to heaven.

She died of natural causes shortly after. Saint Scholastica’s feast day is celebrated on February 10th, and she is often invoked for protection against storms and rain. 

Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius

February 14 is the feast day of St. Cyril and St. Methodius, who are recognized as co-patrons of Europe. These two brothers were Christian missionaries who played a crucial role in bringing Christianity to the Slavic people.

St. Cyril and St. Methodius were born in the 9th century in Thessalonica, in present-day Greece. They were both well-educated and fluent in multiple languages, which they used to carry out their missionary work.

They traveled to Moravia, in present-day Czech Republic and Slovakia, where they created the first Slavic alphabet and translated the Bible and other liturgical texts into Old Church Slavonic, a language that is still used in some Orthodox churches today.

“The missionary work of St. Cyril and St. Methodius is a testament to the power of faith and the importance of sharing the Christian message with people of all cultures and languages.”

The feast day of St. Cyril and St. Methodius is a reminder of the important role that Christian missionaries have played in spreading the faith throughout history.

It is also a celebration of the diversity and richness of European culture and the contributions that Slavic people have made to the Catholic Church.

Saint Valentine: A Celebration of Love

On February 14th, the Catholic Church celebrates the Feast of St. Valentine, the patron saint of love. It is a day to honor St. Valentine’s commitment to love and sacrifice, and it has come to be known as Valentine’s Day, a holiday celebrated worldwide.

Legend has it that St. Valentine was a priest in ancient Rome who was imprisoned and eventually martyred for performing marriages for Christian couples, as Christianity was not yet legalized. Despite the risks, St. Valentine believed in the importance of love and faith, and his actions served as an inspiration to many.

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” – 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

photo of the verses from 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 which is related to St. Valentine - one of the most famous Catholic feast days in February

Valentine’s Day is an opportunity to celebrate love in all its forms, from romantic love to friendship and family bonds. It is a time to express gratitude for those we love and to reflect on the importance of love and connection in our lives.

In today’s modern world, Valentine’s Day is celebrated as a joyful feast of giving gifts like chocolates, flowers, etc to loved ones, especially lovers. And unfortunately, this day is being hyped by businesses to sell more stuff to people.

While these traditions have evolved, the underlying message of Valentine’s Day remains the same: to celebrate love and the ways it enriches our lives.

Ash Wednesday- Important Church Event that Can Occur in February

Ash Wednesday is a Christian holy day of prayer and fasting, marking the start of Lent. It usually happens between February 4 and March 11, the date changes every year, depending on the date of Easter.

In 2024, Ash Wednesday will be on February 14. In 2023, it was on February 22. The day is named after the practice of placing ashes on the foreheads of believers as a sign of penitence. These ashes are typically derived from the burning of palm branches blessed on the previous year’s Palm Sunday.

photo of ashes in a heart shaped container and a cross on the side to signify Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday is a solemn day, where believers are reminded of their mortality and the need for repentance. The ashes themselves are a symbol of grief and a call to repentance.

Many Christians choose to give up something significant in their lives during Lent, such as a favorite food or habit, as a way of showing their commitment to self-discipline and reflection during this holy season. Ash Wednesday sets the tone for a period of introspection and spiritual growth leading up to Easter. 

FREE Printable Liturgical Calendar for February 2024

Just like January, I made a Liturgical calendar for February with some of the known feast days. I didn’t put all the feasts that were mentioned in the table above, so, feel free to write additional feasts that you want to commemorate in your family. As always, choose feast days according to your family’s practices, origins, and choices.

photo of the free Catholic liturgical calendar for February 2024

This February printable calendar is in A4 size. But if you are using a different paper size, just adjust the settings to “fit in paper size”, so you can print it without problems.

FAQs About Catholic Feast days in February

What is Ash Wednesday and why is it important in the Catholic faith?

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Lenten season and is significant in the Catholic faith as it is a day of fasting, repentance, and the distribution of ashes on the foreheads of the faithful as a sign of penitence and mortality.

How are the lives of saints commemorated on feast days?

The lives of saints are commemorated on feast days through prayers, liturgical readings, and reflections on their virtues, struggles, and contributions to the faith. It is a time to learn from their example and seek their intercession.

What is the significance of feast days being designated as optional memorials or solemnities?

The designation of feast days as optional memorials or solemnities reflects the varying degrees of importance within the liturgical calendar. Solemnities hold the highest rank, while optional memorials provide flexibility in the celebration of certain saints’ lives.

What is the significance of the Blessing of Throats on the feast day of St. Blaise?

The Blessing of Throats is a special blessing invoked on the feast day of St. Blaise, who is the patron saint of throat ailments. It is a tradition in the Catholic Church to receive this blessing as a form of intercession for throat-related illnesses.

Is there a specific calendar that lists the feast days and commemorations in the Catholic Church?

Yes, the Catholic Church follows a general calendar of saints, which lists the feast days, memorials, and solemnities of saints and liturgical seasons throughout the year.

What is the significance of the martyrdom of saints in the Catholic tradition?

The martyrdom of saints holds significant importance in the Catholic tradition as it reflects their steadfast faith in the face of persecution and their ultimate sacrifice for their beliefs, inspiring Catholic faithful through their example.

Final Thoughts on Catholic Feast Days in February

I hope that these Catholic feast days in February will be of help in your journey of living liturgically. What feast days are you already celebrating at home? What else do you want to add? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.


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